Vastu Shastra
We have attained the knowledge of Vastu Shastra from the four Vedas in particular Rigveda, Yajurveda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Other than from the Vedas loads of data regarding the Vastu Shastra is accessible in the Puranas and in other aged granthas. The primary reference of the priniciples of Vastu has been found in the Great Rigveda. After the Vedas, four upavedas were additionally formed by the Rishis. One of these upavedas is the Sthapatya Veda, which is the upaveda of Artharva Veda. With the course of time Sthapatya Veda was recreated as Vastu Shastra, The puranas which give the learning of vastu are Garuda purana, matsya purana, Agni purana, Skanda purana, Vayu purana and the Bhavishya purana.
The Matsya purana gives point by point learings with respect to shake carvings and the position and enrichment of stately locales and venues. Narad purana gives profitable data perusing sanctuaries. Comparative data with respect to sanctuaries is additionally given in Vayu purana’s likewise however this purana manages temples spotted at incredible stature. Skanda purana manages the standards of architectural design of the towns. Metropolitan urban communities of the western human advancement would lose their shine before the principals of private abiding units or private houses. So we find that our classics are storage facilities of such limitless information..

About Acharya Ji
Acharya Anupam Jolly is a world renowned Vastu Expert, Vedic Astrologer and Ramal Vidya Expert. Born and raised in the localities of Jaipur, Rajasthan. His interest in the life forces of nature sprouted at a very young age and even before he completed his schooling he was well versed with manuscripts like Brhatparasara Horosastra and Samarangana Sutradhara.

About Isads
The land of India is very fertile for mysticism. Since ancient times, India has been at the forefront of study and assimilation of paranormal. Many mystical and occult disciplines were born here and grew to reach the ultimate pinnacle. At the same time, India Imbibed mysticism in all formats from different parts of the world but unfortunately, much of this knowledge disappeared in the layers of time.

Vastu Courses
India is considered the mother of Vastu as the ancient saints have formulated various principal of it…

Vastu Services
Vastu Shastra is science of direction and is a study that aquires an entire commands over the congnitionof direction…

Vastu Blog
Onecould find the proofs of Vastu Shastra during the preiods of Mahabharat and Ramayan…
Special One Day Class
We are organizing special vastu classes for :
- cooperates
- house-wife
- Shop-Keepers
- Married Couples
- Sportsman
- Politicians
- saleman.
For more details call us on +91-9414044559